Tension Type Headaches

Tension Type headaches (TTH) are the most common type of headache (1), and the most treated with over-the-counter pain medications.

There can be many triggers for your headache, but, let’s think about what usually contributes.

If you are sitting here/there reading this article, are you aware of your posture? Are you slouched on the couch or slumped in your chair? Are you straining to read this article? Should you be wearing glasses? Do you find yourself readjusting your sitting position to feel more comfortable? Rolling your neck and shoulders around because they are feeling sore and tight? Are you tired because you didn’t sleep well last night?

Previously tension headaches were thought to present with contracture in the neck and head muscles, but recent studies have shown that mental, emotional, and physical stress were more likely to be the cause of the steady pain (not usually throbbing) that feels like a dull tightness or band of pressure around your head. There is no nausea associated with this type of headache and it is not made worse by physical activity, though you may sometimes be sensitive to light and sound.(2)

Another theory supports a heightened sensitivity to pain in people who have tension-type headaches. Increased muscle tenderness, a common symptom of tension-type headaches, could also result from a sensitized pain system.(3)

Hmmm… So, I guess we could go back to blaming that awful person in your life that is adding to your mental load and your bad postural habits from sitting wherever most days?

But regardless, are you aware now that you could be making some small changes to your life to reduce the number of triggers that get you noticing that pain in the neck?

I know that what I do can help! Soft tissue massage can absolutely be helpful to reduce the pain, intensity and duration of your tension headaches (4). And that’s a small step towards being more aware of how your body is affected by external situations. And regular maintenance of your body and mind to reduce how you are affected by external stressors will reduce the frequency of your headaches.

Give me a call if you want to chat about your headaches or get yourself booked in now. You won’t regret it!

1. https://ichd-3.org/2-tension-type-headache/
2. https://headacheaustralia.org.au/headachetypes/tension-type-headache/
3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tension-headache/symptoms-causes/syc-20353977
4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34537167/